Whether you are interested in Advanced Driving or Motorcycling, for more details and an information pack, please contact Helen Cameron, the Group Secretary on 07748 072693.
Alternatively you can email Helen with your request; don’t forget to include your name and address if you want an application form sent to you.
You can come along to one of the Group nights and see what goes on. Have a look at the events page to see what’s planned. It would be best to check with the Secretary before just to make sure there has not been a change of venue.
Information packs are available direct from IAM via their web site, or telephone 0208 996 9600.
Gradually as the weeks have passed I have subconsciously adopted the techniques, which come from being an advanced driver. Some of these techniques I have to admit I have not enjoyed or seen the necessity in adopting, for instance the continual commentary which accompanies a drive. I have struggled with this technique as my Observer will testify and came home regularly to complain about it, but in this case I seem to be wrong. I now see the benefits of commentating, as it helps keep your concentration whilst driving, which is of course essential. It may take time as I am sure you all understand since it is a difficult technique to pick up and adopt easily, but I know it will be beneficial to my driving in the long term.
Another technique essential to being an advanced driver is the planned system of driving, which once understood and memorised becomes an automatic response in dealing with any hazard. This five point system: information, position, speed, gear and acceleration, when applied, come as close as possible to a fool proof system at avoiding hazards. However, yet again I admit this system of driving has not come as naturally or as quickly to me as I had hoped, but I know it is crucial and I will continue to persevere.”