Our group strategy
The Dumfries & Galloway Group of Advanced Motorists and Motorcyclists (called hereafter as the Dumfries Group) share the IAM’s Vision, which is to become more relevant to a higher proportion of road users and to become more influential in road safety matters. Obviously, one distinction between the Dumfries Group and the IAM is that in the case of the former, the Vision will be implemented at a local level. However, it is hoped that there will be synergy between both sets of initiatives.
Our vision
The aim of the Dumfries IAM Group is to maintain or increase the number of Members.
The Dumfries Group also plans to maintain contact and work with other bodies in the Dumfries & Galloway area so that a local IAM view on road safety can be heard. The aim here will be to engage with bodies such as the Police, the Judiciary and the local Council.
Delivering the vision
The Dumfries Group believe there are 5 distinct elements to delivering the Vision. These are:-
- Better linking with the public
- Selling to the public
- Delivering to the public
- Strategic Priorities, and
- Monitoring Progress
Each of these elements is described in more detail below.
Better linking with the public
The emphasis here is in generating interest from, and engaging with the public in more creative ways than has been the case in the past. Examples here include:-
- More reporting of events in local papers and radio, including paying for advertisements
- Training for Publicity Officer
- Easier access to IAM Press articles for local publication
- IAM publicity handled centrally as an alternative to locally
- More activities based in the community
- Regular events, just turn up
- Listing in Yellow Pages and BT’s classified section
- Secretary has mobile contact, always on with welcome message if not available
- Advertise IAM courses in the local paper/radio
- Run regular road safety competitions for the public, with prizes
- Make Newsletter widely available
- Make videos on driving and riding available to the public, at a minimum charge
- Observers wear similar IAM clothing to advertise and emphasise our IAM activity and membership at public events
- Attending prestigious local events throughout Dumfries & Galloway
- Group web site with interesting topics, including driving/riding evaluation test
- Offer talks on the work of the IAM and the Dumfries Group to schools and other bodies
Selling to the public
Having generated the interest the next phase is how to present and sell the Skill for Life package to the individual so that they enrol as Associates. This involves presentation, packaging and sales techniques. A number of examples are outlined below:-
- Simple explanation of what is included in Skill for Life package, with balance between benefit and cost
- Emphasise the Group’s flexibility in coaching schedules to benefit the Associate and Observer
- Option for offering discounts on Skill for Life package to clinch the deal
- Availability of Public driving/riding assessment as a means of identifying weakness and opportunity in the public’s current driving/riding capability
- Demonstration drives/rides to show how the public’s driving and riding skill can be improved
- Target decision makers/influencers in the community
- Enrol and train more younger Observers to attract younger members of the public
Delivering to the public
Having captured the public interest and secured the Associates we need to keep our side of the bargain and coach the Associate to Test standard within the average time of around 6 weeks. The following actions are proposed as examples of how this can be achieved.
- Offer group courses as well as one-one
- Appoint Associate Coordinator to monitor progress and identify any potential problems in getting to Test standard
- Manage the balance between Observers-Associates
- Encourage Group Observers to become Qualified Observers
- Offer regular training for Observers to maintain and enhance skill base
- Review Test success and failure and learn lessons to bring about improvements
- Identify and enrol more younger Observers
- Improve the balance between male and female Observers
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priorities are factors which need to be in place in order to allow the Vision to be successful. They facilitate the progress towards achieving the Vision. A number of these factors are shown below:-
- Energetic Group committee with volunteer mentality
- Regular rotation of duties/officers
- Encourage new ideas
- Everyone on the committee has some role
- Plan interesting monthly meetings and events
- Encourage Members and Associates to attend meetings
- Encourage motorcyclists to grow and prosper
- Encourage younger car Observers
- Best practice sharing between Groups (needs more effort by RO’s and Council representative)
- Prepare capital expenditure requirements
- Explore all avenues to obtain funding
Monitoring Progress
This element follows from the Plan-Do-Review model and is included as a means of monitoring the rate of progress towards achieving the Vision. If problems are identified then action can be taken at an early stage to allow alternative solutions to be followed. Some of the actions or goals, which will act as targets for 2005-2006, and which will be subject to monitoring by the committee, are as follows:-
- Develop a strategic approach to funding
- Identify and approach external bodies to seek funding
- Change the name of the Group with Council’s agreement
- Monitor the number of Members and Associates attending monthly meetings
- Monitor the number of Associates enrolling for Skill for Life
- Aim to have 10 press articles publicising the work of the Dumfries Group
- Group listed in Yellow Pages and BT Classified section
- Group mobile, always on with suitable greeting and response within 24 hours
- Upgraded Newsletter achieving a circulation of 500 copies
- Observers wearing IAM clothing to public events
- Attend at least 1 prestige event during year
- Talk given to at least 1 external body
- Public Assessments given to members of the public
- Demonstration drives/rides given to interested members of the public
- At least 1 influential/public figure engaged and training as an Associate or acting as Group President
- Motorcycle section make video on safer riding available to the Group and the public
- Associate coordinator appointed and active, giving regular monthly reports to committee
- Driving section to have a Group Chief Observer, 2 Senior Observers and 10 active Observers, 80% of whom are Qualified Observers. At least 4 Observers should be female.
- Motorcycling section to have a Group Chief Observer, 1 Senior Observer and 5 Qualified Observers, one of whom should be female
- At least 1 car Observer to be under 21 years of age
Most of these actions were completed by June 2006 and in order to continue to set targets year on year the Group Committee have set the following direction for the focus of activities during 2006-2007 and beyond. Progress in meeting these actions will be reviewed by the Group Committee at regular intervals.
1 Continuing to raise our profile and public awareness
- Having the IAM advert played on the radio and funded by IAM HQ
- Plastic holders full of Skill for Life forms in all garages and elsewhere where cars, bikes and their drivers and riders congregate
- Encourage Members to buy polo shirts with the DGGAMM logo
- Give T-shirts to young Members on passing Test to promote, “Let’s make it cool to be skilful”
- Progress initiative to get Roadcraft Skills a part of the schools Citizenship training
2 Funding
- Continuing to look for funding so that we can recruit young drivers and riders free of charge next year and beyond
- Follow through funding routes with Scotland’s First Minister
3 Delivery
- Increase the number of Observer’s and Senior Observer’s
- Successfully get 60 young drivers and riders together with the normal number of older Associates to Test standard and through the Test
- Become the largest Group in Scotland for Test applications
- Ensure we are not constrained in the number of Associates taking their Test due to the availability of Examiner’s
- Make a submission to Scotland’s Transport Strategy
4 Membership
- Seek ways of retaining and engaging our existing Members
- Consider introducing a Group Membership card with benefits
- Understand Members expectations
- Offering Members an opportunity to maintain their advanced skills
- Social events for Members and the Committee
- Continue to recruit young people as Associates and ultimately to Observers