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Dumfries and Galloway IAM

Institute of Advanced Motorists And Motorcyclists

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As for the test, I was informed in advance that there would be more than one other person in the car with me; the Examiner was to be observed by no less a person then IAM’s Chief Examiner for Scotland. No pressure, then!

On the day itself the weather could not have been worse. It had already been raining on and off for weeks, but on this particular day I could have taken the test in a canoe.

I met the test Examiner and the Chief Examiner in a car park in Dumfries with the rain still hammering down. It remained pretty much like that throughout the test. Nevertheless, I kept my cool and just made the best of it. To my surprise, I felt remarkably relaxed, despite the weather conditions and the presence of the ‘Chief’ in the back seat; to be honest, I forgot he was there!

By the end of the test we were back at the car park where the Examiner wasted no time in informing me that I had passed. He briefly discussed the errors I had made during the drive and I was surprised how few there seemed to be.

Now that I am a member of IAM I am determined not only to maintain my standard of driving but to improve upon it. The opportunity to develop my driving skills in this way has been great for me; I would thoroughly recommend the IAM Skills For Life programme to anyone considering doing it. – Kevin

- Kevin
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